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Goal Setters and Peak Performers! You’re About to Discover…

The 3 First Principles For Setting and Achieving Meaningful Goals That Change Your Life, For the Total Good…

(And Helps You Accomplish More In One Year
Than Many Do In Ten Years or Never)

Friday, 23 August 2024

7PM AEST (Melbourne/ Sydney Time)
10AM  UK London Time


What You’ll Learn…

Principle One:

How to Make Your Nervous System, Up to 800x More Responsive Towards Your Goal Realization, and Achieve Greatness With Just a Fraction of Ordinary Effort

Principle Two:

How to Make Positive Neurological Connections that Last for a Lifetime, and Build a New Rhythm for Success That Bears Actual Fruits

Principle Three:

How to Know Which Are Your Most Important Habits (or Rituals) to Master, as to Achieve a Totally Fulfilling and Rich Life 


With John Angheli, MBA, M.Ed, M.A.
Australian Leadership Counsellor,
CEO of Center for Meaningful Leadership

Plus, Get to Instantly See the Definitive Feature Documentary That Reveals the First Principles of ‘What Is Happiness!

(A $19.95 Value – Yours Free)

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